Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a diagnostic technology that records the electrophysiological activity of the heart in time through the body wall, captured and recorded by electrodes in contact with the skin, and is commonly used in clinical diagnosis of heart disease. The overall goal of performing an ECG is to obtain information about the electrical function of the heart. The medical uses of this information are varied and often need to be interpreted in conjunction with knowledge of heart structure and physical signs.
The standard ECG is a 12-lead (leads) system, that is, 12 leads ECG, is the use of 12 leads located in the front and horizontal plane, record the electrical physiological activity of the heart in 12 different directions, can observe the depolarization wave from 12 different angles, and then judge the location of the myocardial damage according to the changes in the ECG. On paper, the 12 signals are usually arranged in four columns and three rows. The first column records the limb leads (I leads, II leads, and III leads). The second column records the pressurized unipolar limb leads (aVR,aVL, and aVF), and the last two columns record the chest leads (V1-V6).
However, sometimes this arrangement is not used, so it is very important to check the label of each lead. The 3 lead signals in each column are usually recorded and printed at the same time, and after a few cardiac cycles, go to the next column and start recording the 3 leads below. The heart rhythm may change as different columns are recorded. The length of each lead record can be short, usually only 1 to 3 heart cycles (depending on how fast or slow the heart rate is), so analyzing heart rate changes based on these images can be difficult. Therefore, 1 to 2 "rhythm bands" are often printed in the ECG record. The rhythm band usually selects 2 leads (this lead can most clearly display the ventricular electrical signal and P-wave), and shows the change of the heart rhythm throughout the ECG recording (usually 5 to 6 seconds). The rhythm band is also used for on-screen output during continuous ECG monitoring.
With this in mind, an abnormal ECG reading can have a number of causes, including:
1. Irregular heart rate
The human heart usually beats 60-100 times per minute. A heart beating faster or slower than that can indicate an underlying problem with the patient's heart. Based on this, the doctor will want to conduct additional tests to find out the underlying cause.
2. Irregular heartbeat
3. Arrhythmia refers to a fast or slow heartbeat that exceeds the normal range. Tachycardia, bradycardia, or arrhythmia caused by abnormal automaticity or conduction of the heart. Mental tension, heavy smoking, drinking alcohol, drinking strong tea or coffee, excessive fatigue, serious insomnia are often induced factors of arrhythmia; Arrhythmias are particularly common in patients with heart disease and often occur during or after anesthesia, surgery, or surgery. An abnormal electrocardiogram of the shape of the heart gives doctors an idea of how well the heart is working in each specific area. Abnormal ECG test results may indicate that one area or part of the heart is larger or thicker than others. This can indicate that there may be some abnormality in the shape of the patient's heart, and treatment can be taken early.
For example, a thickening of the heart can mean that the heart is trying too hard to pump blood. This may be due to congenital or acquired heart conditions.
4. Electrolyte imbalance
Micronutrients such as electrolyte minerals are important for overall health, they also play a role in heart health, and even the presence or excess of these micronutrients can lead to abnormal ECG results.
Electrolytes help conduct electricity in the body and help keep heart rate and rhythm consistent. An imbalance of electrolyte minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium or magnesium can lead to abnormal readings and waveforms in the ECG.
5. Drug side effects
Some drugs have mechanisms of action that can cause abnormal readings in the ECG. All patients who are tested should discuss any medications they are taking with their doctor prior to the test. Or check the list of side effects provided on the medication's packaging. Some medications that help balance heart rhythms may actually cause abnormal heart rhythms in some people. These drugs include certain beta blockers and sodium channel blockers. If a doctor believes that the type of medication a person is taking may be causing their symptoms, they may suggest alternative medications and follow up with a review to see how the individual responds to the new medication.
In the analysis process after the electrocardiogram examination, if the patient's test results do appear abnormal, the doctor will also carry out targeted treatment according to different circumstances. The doctor's treatment depends on the underlying problem. If a doctor suspects that an abnormal ECG is the result of normal variations in the human heart, they may recommend no treatment and only regular check-ups.
If an examination and review of your daily medication indicates that one drug is causing the abnormal reading, your doctor may recommend an alternative medication. If doctors suspect an electrolyte imbalance is the cause, they may recommend that the patient take a fluid or medication that contains electrolytes.
In general, there are many conditions that may lead to abnormal data and waveforms in the electrocardiogram results of the human body, in this case, it should be discussed with the medical staff based on their own circumstances, and further monitoring can be conducted if necessary to confirm the root cause.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a diagnostic technology that records the electrophysiological activity of the heart in time through the body wall, captured and recorded by electrodes in contact with the skin, and is commonly used in clinical diagnosis of heart disease. The overall goal of performing an ECG is to obtain information about the electrical function of the heart. The medical uses of this information are varied and often need to be interpreted in conjunction with knowledge of heart structure and physical signs.
The standard ECG is a 12-lead (leads) system, that is, 12 leads ECG, is the use of 12 leads located in the front and horizontal plane, record the electrical physiological activity of the heart in 12 different directions, can observe the depolarization wave from 12 different angles, and then judge the location of the myocardial damage according to the changes in the ECG. On paper, the 12 signals are usually arranged in four columns and three rows. The first column records the limb leads (I leads, II leads, and III leads). The second column records the pressurized unipolar limb leads (aVR,aVL, and aVF), and the last two columns record the chest leads (V1-V6).
However, sometimes this arrangement is not used, so it is very important to check the label of each lead. The 3 lead signals in each column are usually recorded and printed at the same time, and after a few cardiac cycles, go to the next column and start recording the 3 leads below. The heart rhythm may change as different columns are recorded. The length of each lead record can be short, usually only 1 to 3 heart cycles (depending on how fast or slow the heart rate is), so analyzing heart rate changes based on these images can be difficult. Therefore, 1 to 2 "rhythm bands" are often printed in the ECG record. The rhythm band usually selects 2 leads (this lead can most clearly display the ventricular electrical signal and P-wave), and shows the change of the heart rhythm throughout the ECG recording (usually 5 to 6 seconds). The rhythm band is also used for on-screen output during continuous ECG monitoring.
With this in mind, an abnormal ECG reading can have a number of causes, including:
1. Irregular heart rate
The human heart usually beats 60-100 times per minute. A heart beating faster or slower than that can indicate an underlying problem with the patient's heart. Based on this, the doctor will want to conduct additional tests to find out the underlying cause.
2. Irregular heartbeat
3. Arrhythmia refers to a fast or slow heartbeat that exceeds the normal range. Tachycardia, bradycardia, or arrhythmia caused by abnormal automaticity or conduction of the heart. Mental tension, heavy smoking, drinking alcohol, drinking strong tea or coffee, excessive fatigue, serious insomnia are often induced factors of arrhythmia; Arrhythmias are particularly common in patients with heart disease and often occur during or after anesthesia, surgery, or surgery. An abnormal electrocardiogram of the shape of the heart gives doctors an idea of how well the heart is working in each specific area. Abnormal ECG test results may indicate that one area or part of the heart is larger or thicker than others. This can indicate that there may be some abnormality in the shape of the patient's heart, and treatment can be taken early.
For example, a thickening of the heart can mean that the heart is trying too hard to pump blood. This may be due to congenital or acquired heart conditions.
4. Electrolyte imbalance
Micronutrients such as electrolyte minerals are important for overall health, they also play a role in heart health, and even the presence or excess of these micronutrients can lead to abnormal ECG results.
Electrolytes help conduct electricity in the body and help keep heart rate and rhythm consistent. An imbalance of electrolyte minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium or magnesium can lead to abnormal readings and waveforms in the ECG.
5. Drug side effects
Some drugs have mechanisms of action that can cause abnormal readings in the ECG. All patients who are tested should discuss any medications they are taking with their doctor prior to the test. Or check the list of side effects provided on the medication's packaging. Some medications that help balance heart rhythms may actually cause abnormal heart rhythms in some people. These drugs include certain beta blockers and sodium channel blockers. If a doctor believes that the type of medication a person is taking may be causing their symptoms, they may suggest alternative medications and follow up with a review to see how the individual responds to the new medication.
In the analysis process after the electrocardiogram examination, if the patient's test results do appear abnormal, the doctor will also carry out targeted treatment according to different circumstances. The doctor's treatment depends on the underlying problem. If a doctor suspects that an abnormal ECG is the result of normal variations in the human heart, they may recommend no treatment and only regular check-ups.
If an examination and review of your daily medication indicates that one drug is causing the abnormal reading, your doctor may recommend an alternative medication. If doctors suspect an electrolyte imbalance is the cause, they may recommend that the patient take a fluid or medication that contains electrolytes.
In general, there are many conditions that may lead to abnormal data and waveforms in the electrocardiogram results of the human body, in this case, it should be discussed with the medical staff based on their own circumstances, and further monitoring can be conducted if necessary to confirm the root cause.